Zane Winders

ZANE WINDERS is from Levelland, Texas, and began his formal training at Ballet Lubbock in 2009. In 2011, he was accepted to the Kirov Academy of Ballet in Washington, D.C. Upon graduating he joined Ballet Arizona's Studio Company, where he spent two years performing with the school and company. Zane then moved to Delaware to join First State Ballet Theatre, where his repertoire included principal and soloist roles in The Nutcracker, Paquita, Giselle, Don Quixote, The Sleeping Beauty, Coppélia, Alex Buckner's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Viktor Plotnikov's Romeo and Juliet, and Viktor Plotnikov's Dracula. In 2020, Zane joined the Oklahoma City Ballet, where his repertoire included soloist and principal roles in Septime Webre's ALICE in wonderland, The Sleeping Beauty, Robert Mills' The Nutcracker, Ryan Nyes’ The Nutcracker, and Val Caniparoli's Lady of the Camellias. Zane is also an international guest artist, and has made appearances in Texas, Colorado, Arizona, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, and Guatemala.

In addition to performing, Zane has been a ballet instructor, guest master class instructor, and competition coach. Zane is an ambassador with Classical Dance Alliance and has completed four years of pedagogical training in the Kostrovitskaya/Vaganova method of classical dance. He is thrilled to be back in Wilmington for FSBT’s 2023-24 season.

Headshot by Jana Carson